On 27-Feb-05 Richard James wrote:
Dear Ted,
I have successfully used cdrecord with the -audio option for this job (I have a primitive outlook and am happier with command line utilities!). The document in /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-html/ gives all the documentation I have ever needed. Good luck!
On 26-Feb-05 Brett Parker wrote:
Correct, it won't ;) I must admit that I have not use XCDRoast much, but when I did use it, it's interface felt klunky, if you want to use a graphical tool, I can suggest k3b, but I must also admit to not using that too much (I'm a command line kinda guy ;)
Right - now this is where I go to the ol' command line mode as usual, assuming that the wav file is in the right form for throwing on to the CD, which I assume it will be if it's a straight conversion from a .cdr, what you want to do is...
cdrecord -v dev=/path/to/cd/writer -audio trackname.wav
from a shell, as a user that can play nicely with the cdwriter.
Thanks to all for the comments, and especially to Richard & Brett for the suggestion of cdrecord (with the right arguments!).
The CD-Writing-HOWTO suggested by James, in particular, gave me the insight I needed -- the tip in the HOWTO about using
cdrecord -scanbus
helped me get that bit of it right; and the "-audio" option was also essential. Putting all this together, I did
cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -audio filename.cdr
and got a perfect audio CD!
Command-line is always best once you know what you're doing.
The problem (for me) with CD writing is that I don't really know my way round the ins and outs of this activity, so I was hoping that 'xcdroast' would take over that side of things, having offered me a basic "Create Audio CD" choice to start with. Since it doesn't seem to want to do that, I still don't know how to use it for this purpose! Not that it matters any more.
Thanks, and best wishes to all, Ted.
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