The message from (Ted Harding) contains these words:
A propos another little issue: might one say that GUI addicts haven't got a CLUI?
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You could - that was one reason why I resisted Windows until it was necessary for one program I wanted to run, so I had a dual-boot box with Linux FT and Win 3.11 running in DOS 6.22 put together.
Even then, most of the programs I ran were in DOS - some of which I still use occasionally - Electronic Workbench, Neopaint, Morse, Supermorse, and if the most important disc in the installation set hadn't degraded, I'd be using Locoscript Professional (DOS app) still.
I must say, I like cfdisk's capability of formatting partitions in so many - er - formats, CP/M included, but, can someone please tell me, is a special type of floppy drive required to read CP/M format discs? (I have 3œ" CP/M system discs, also CPMlulator to run in DOS)
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I'm even putting a 5Œ" floppy drive in the backup box I'm building.