On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:58:04 +0100 steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk allegedly wrote:
Pah! The yoof of today eh?
I'm old enough to have used gopher*!
- admittedly it was at an internet course at college, and it was
already hardly used. Just out of interest, I've just done apt-get install gopher, and tried running gopher for the 2nd time in my life...well at least it was quick....ish.
You don't need a separate client these days. Most browsers will support gopher. Try: http://gopher.quux.org:70/ in the browser of your choice.
(Pushing 60. Hard. ISTR my first browser was mosaic on a Sparc 5, but my internet usage sort of pre-dates the web. I've even used ftp over email. There's a bastardisation of protocols for you.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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