On Sun, 6 Feb 2005, Chris Green wrote:
snmp 4.2 is that last of the line from ucd-snmp. It then became net-snmp from version 5 onwards. My requirement is for at least version 5.1.2 (I think it's that, 5.x.x anyway) so the 4.2 versions are no use to me.
Now why libsnmp.so disappears between 4.2 and 5.x is what I need to find out.
Is this still a live issue? I just got logged in on a Debian Testing machine, and installed Debian's binary package libsnmp5-dev (this is version 5.1.2-6, so meets your requirements.) I got a file </usr/lib/libsnmp.so> by doing this. If you really need/want to compile from source, you could obtain the source code from Debian <apt-get source --download-only net-snmp>, and compile from source to the various Debian binary packages <debian/rules build>, then install your home-rolled binaries.