Chris Green
What's a quick and easy tool for resizing (as in changing the default screen size) of a Jpeg file?
netpbm is one: jpegtopnm old.jpg | pnmscale .... | pnmtojpeg >new.jpg
Others have suggested imagemagick, which can also do it.
Going further, is it easy/possible to change the size of an image according to the size of the browser window being used? I use a 1600x1200 display at home so a 400x200 image will be quite small really but if anyone looks at the same page on (say) 800x600 it's going to be a bit on the large size.
You can use relative sizes and let the browser scale them, but browsers seem bad at scaling images. Another possibility is to prepare resized images and then use a little javascript to replace the ones used by default with the closest one to the appropriate size, in a similar way to how rollovers work.
Hope that helps,