Augh! Sorry - accidentally sent this to Wayne only. Sending to the list now.
2009/11/16 Srdjan Todorovic
2009/11/16 Wayne Stallwood
Srdjan Todorovic wrote:
Initial searching suggests and issue with HAL. I've found that it seems k3b is still running and can be seen to have /dev/hda still open using lsof. Killing the process causes it to not appear in the lsof output, but still cannot eject. So it may even be a bug with K3b.
Do you have the "verify written data" option checked in k3b's burning window ?
No, I've not had that working for a long time, so I usually resort to creating an md5 sum file of the files, then burn the disk, then verify once mounted.
For some time now that hasn't worked for me and leaves k3b holding onto the burnt disc. Although it visibly errors on the verify which you don't mention.
K3b does not report any errors. I can burn the disk, and press eject button on the drive itself, and it will open. I can put the disk in, mount it, read the files, unmount, but then never eject as my normal user.
If I just use a disk without having burnt anything that day, then I can eject as my normal user without problems. So it suggests it's somehow related to k3b's interaction with the rest of the machine.
At some point I'll do a test to see if exiting KDE and logging back in clears the issue.
Thanks Srdjan