Somewhat off topic but as dd-wrt is Linux based i tenuously justify it to myself.
I use strong vpn along with a dd-wrt flashed router to create two seperate wifi SSID's from the same router. One is my standard wifi and routes all traffic normally through my UK IP. The other redirects it through the VPN through virtual network vlan3 and is used to access USA based services such as Netflix on devices that lack the ability to run a VPN client. (Dare i say Apple TV?)
I followed the instructions in the strong vpn forum ( to get it up and running and for the most part it is working great. However on occasion the router seems to drop the VPN connection and revert to the UK ip.
Rebooting the router does not on its own fix it, neither does setting the router to reboot periodically once a day.
The only way i have found so far to reliably establish contact with the VPN is to edit and then resave the firewall script, and then power cycle the router.
I use Mint at home, and while i have been using Linux for sometime i have been lucky enough to never really have to go beyond configure; make; make install when using my machines, so my scripting knowledge is severely limited.
Can anyone suggest any ways to make the router detect when it has dropped the VPN connection, reload the required script and reboot?
Below is the copy of the firewall script that is in its current form.
grep -v "exit 0" /etc/config/pptpd_client.ip-up > $VPN_IPUP
echo ' sleep 15
# Load ebtables for i in ebtables ebt_mark ebtable_filter ebtable_nat; do insmod $i; done
# Clean up ebtables -t nat -F ip rule del from 0/0 fwmark 4 lookup 4 ip route flush table 4 # Hack: take QoS down (but we need it enabled for ebtables) iptables -t mangle -F
# Set up ebtables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wl0.1 -j mark --set-mark 4 ebtables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i vlan3 -j mark --set-mark 4 ip route show table main | grep -Ev ^default | while read ROUTE; do ip route add table 4 $ROUTE; done ip route add table 4 default dev ppp1 ip rule add fwmark 4 table 4 ip route flush cache ' >> ${VPN_IPUP}
chmod +x ${VPN_IPUP}
Kind regards,