I'm thinking of moving from Slackware to Fedora for my next upgrade.
There are a number of reasons for this:-
I have Fedora on my desktop at work and have found it quite good (and easy) to work with, an additional advantage of course is having the same distribution in both places.
It's more compatible with Vmware, Vmware can be installed on Slackware as a host but it's a bit of a fiddle. While Fedora isn't 'supported' by Vmware, RedHat is supported and Fedora is similar enough to RedHat for Vmware to install simply.
I'm thinking of going to a 64-Bit OS and there isn't a 64-bit version of Slackware.
Can anyone envisage any bit 'gotchas' if I do this? Are there any major pitfalls when moving from 32-bit to 64-bit?