I have just moved dnsmasq from one machine to another, the machine I moved it from was only running dnsmasq so it was a bit of a waste of electricity and configuration maintenance.
I'm now running dnsmasq on the machine where I also run apache2 and leafnode.
Both leafnode and apache2 were perfectly happy before the dnsmasq move, they got a FQDN from dnsmasq presumably as there was nothing in the local /etc/hosts.
Since moving dnsmasq to the same machine as leafnode and apache2 I've had to add a line:- chris.zbmc.eu
to my /etc/hosts, just chris won't do, even though dnsmasq delivers a correct FQDN with just chris. It's as if leafnode and apache2 go direct to /etc/hosts first.
It's hardly a big deal but it just seems wrong somehow, why don't apache2 and leafnode use 'the proper channels'?