On Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 12:56:00AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
On 2004-06-28 12:16:35 +0100 Jonathan McDowell noodles@earth.li wrote:
outside UEA term time, but then there's not usually a large turnout of UEA undergrads at any time, is there?
If you could find some UEAers to promote it with a few well-placed notices and trying to spread the word on campus, possibly that could change?
Calling all UEAers... Calling all UEAers... (oh, hang on, if they're on the list, they already know about it, don't they... Maybe they could be vocal and tell us who they are, what they do, and what *they* want from meetings... oh, and of course, at least stuff their head in a meeting sometime, even if only one of the socials)
[...] no other kit - I presume all the people who've been wanting kit meets in Norwich where unable to make it?
Maybe scared off by the recent "we don't like to fix kit" comments? Add to that the apparent lack of desire to see or do demos. (If people do want kit and demos, (re)post any ideas now!)
That's not entirely the view expressed... What is upsetting is the people that you spend hours trying to get running and then you get stuck at some stumbling bloke, like, say, a winmodem, and then you get no thanks at all for the effort spent, just a complaint that blah piece of hardware doesn't work. Yes, there are lots of people that are thankful for any help with their hardware or software setup, there's just some people, in the past, that have been ungrateful that puts some people off kit meetings. As for demos, well, weren't we supposed to have a demo/talk on the alug website tools on Sunday? Weren't you one of the many that didn't turn up? Weren't you going to give that talk? (I know you didn't turn up, you told me to make your appologies via sms, I don't know *why* you couldn't turn up, but as you seem to be the one making the large prods towards more kit meetings and talks, it seems strange that you don't even turn up to one that was organised).
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Right - that's that for now. I don't mind *what* happens, I'd like structured talks and demos, but, then again, hanging around in #alug all day at work gives me a fair amount of background on the subjects that can be topped up with very little googling... And the socials finish it off in a slightly more disorganised, but more personal way, with the advantage of comfy seats and beer.
Right - that's really it for now.
(Oh, can't make second thursday social this month, got to go back to sunny suffolk and sort the car :/)