Having given up on the idea of installing a Nokia SDK on my base machine, I thought I'd try creating a Ubuntu system in VirtualBox.
I did that using an iso of 10.10 - Maverick Meerkat. But partway through the install, it's meant to fire up an xterm offering me a choice of installs, but it fails.
I can start xterm simply by issuing the command but the script fails every time. I've googled this and others have had similar problems when they've upgraded from 10.4 to 10.10. I haven't. I've gone straight in with a vanilla 10.10 build.
I've tried various tweaks and hacks but the script still fails.
For info, this is what I'm trying to run - http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Maemo_5_SDK_installation_for_beginners
It does the scratchbox install ok. It's when I get as far as the SDK install it fails. The ./maemo-sdk-install_5.0.sh script displays an agreement and I page down using the space bar. It then asks me to press the Enter key. At that point, it's supposed to open up a terminal window to enable me to choose an option. It falls over with an error - unable to open xterm.
Any ideas?
As I'm playing with VirtualBox, I did grab a copy of Ubuntu 9.04 and that ran through the whole thing so I do have an almost working copy of the setup so it's something peculiar to 10.10. The 'almost' working bit refers me not being able to see the host machine from the guest OS but I'll persevere with that.