Bob Dove wrote on 07 April 2005 18:35:
I'm an ungruntled Win user. I'd like to try Linux but it seems I have to go back to the dreaded command line. I did conquer this in CP/M and DOS but having used Win since v.3.0 I have forgotten a lot about command lines! The Linux 'language' is akin to Terry Pratchett and you 'lug' members seem to have a bit of a sense of humour.
There's always KDE, Gnome or one of many other window managers out there that can take care of your graphical needs.
I must say that installing Win is much MUCH easier than installing Linux!!!
I can do multiple Fedora installations in less than 20 minutes, it can take over an hour to do a decent Windows installation and bring it up to date.
Something I haven't managed so far. Then there is the problem that I absolutely need to be able to run QuarkXPress and Photoshop (PS). I understand that 'WINE' can be used to a degree with older versions.
Photoshop works just fine under Wine. As a film effects company, we have many users using Photoshop just fine with Wine. We're working towards getting a fully functional Photoshop CS going, and we're close to doing it.
GIMP is not in anyway equal to PS as any PS user will confirm, in fact there is no other program equal to PS! I already use OOo v 1.3 (in Win) in preference to MS Office. I like it and looking forward to using v 2.0. I need to know what program to choose as a starter, how to partition my C drive to install Linux into &c.
This is something that you and many artists agree on. Many people aren't favourable to Gimp here, but it's a personal choice.