Chris Green chris@areti.co.uk wrote:
All the GUI clients I have tried in days gone by have assumed mail comes from a POP3 server and/or munge the local mail spool with specialised indexes etc. that break it for other (better behaved) clients.
Most of the GUI clients will also talk IMAP, I'd suggest setting up a local imap server instead, something like Dovecot, and configure it to use the right boxes. Should be simple enough to do, and then you don't have to worry about the format of the mail on the machine, let the IMAP server handle that instead.
I tend to use mutt for all my home e-mail though, and I haven't had a need for a graphical e-mail client for years, but JIC I have got dovecot setup on the laptop ready to sort me out in the event that I really do need a graphical client.
Thanks, - -- Brett Parker web: http://www.sommitrealweird.co.uk/ email: iDunno@sommitrealweird.co.uk