On 05/12/13 15:33, mick wrote:
I have actually deleted that post from the moderation queue. Steve received it because he was cc'd.
So technically I've been guilty of the "posting back to the list things which were received off-list" :O That said, I don't think I had any real way of knowing.
I posted from my Galaxy Tab, which has a brain dead mail client (hence the .sig which Steve finds amusing/lame) partly ironically. However, I received back the wonderfully apt message:
"Your mail to 'main' with the subject
Re: [ALUG] Fwd: Re: ALUG Posting Etiquette - was Cross-platform
text file processing tools
Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
The reason it is being held:
Message has a suspicious header"
Is it maybe the signature attachment? Seems unlikely that would hold things up but others will know the exact filtering rules.
P.S. I'd assumed you'd top-posted on purpose and were being funny - I was returning the favour :P