Brett Parker wrote:
I'd be interested to know what bugs it fixes - dspam 3.6.8 appears to be doing a *fantastic* job on my mail...
I'm probably looking in the wrong direction, but whilst dspam does indeed do a fantastic job on our email too, it dies perhaps once per day leaving a queue to build up. (Hence the recent thread about using cron to restart mail server.) My server has to handle about 4000 emails/hr, and dspam probably isn't the bottleneck, but it's the bit that's dying, without logging anything to debug it.
There was an additional reason in that I found a patch for 3.8.0 which would enable me to set a threshold for spam to be deleted rather than quarantined (in our experience, if I deleted everything over 90% I'd lose a lot of the quarantine and would never yet have lost a valid email). Unfortunately I can't now find that patch anyway. It would probably have been easy to apply to 3.6.8 - as you say there's not a lot changed - and now that I'm investigating this more I'm finding reports of problems that 3.8 introduced, so the exercise is about 50% academic now (I just want to know how to do it!)
Doesn't look like there's a lot of difference between the two, and it should be fairly simple to do a backport as follows: apt-get source dspam
Swipe the debian directory from there and put it in to a untarred 3.8.0 directory.
dch -v "3.8.0-0local"
Add changelog line.
dpkg-buildpackage -r fakeroot
Thanks, that's just the info I was after! I'll give it a whirl!
Fingers crossed :-)