Greetings All! Background: I have my screen set to blank out after 5 minutes of user inactivity. Fine for its purpose, since if I'm working at the computer I shall be generating key-presses, mouse actions, etc., far more frequently than that! On the other hand, if I'm not doing anything, then there is not excessively long screen on-time.
However, it can be irritating if I'm watching a video or similar, since if I forget to (e.g.) tap on the Ctrl key (which resets the timeout) then the screen will go blank on me just when I don't want it to!
So what I'm looking to do is set up a script which would send an interrupt, say every minute, which would be interpreted by the OS as a key-press or similar. Then I could forget about it until I've done watching.
Is there some signal that can be sent using
kill <signal> ...
which would do that? I've not been able to suss out anything suitable.
With thanks, Ted.
------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: (Ted Harding) Date: 25-Oct-2012 Time: 17:46:57 This message was sent by XFMail -------------------------------------------------