Does anyone else find that 'locate' does all the wrong things for them? It's not that it's incapable of doing what I want but the defaults seem to be set up to be purposely the opposite of what I actually need it to do.
The defaults for 'find' on the other hand are almost exactly what I want to do when searching for files.
When you give 'locate' a name to search for it finds everything with that string of characters in it, this nearly always results in zillions of hits I don't want. However 'find' only finds exact matches unless you specify an RE explicitly. Yes, I know that you can tell 'locate' to find only exact matches but the default is wrong for me.
Secondly 'locate' searches the whole file system, I very rarely want to do this especially as there are incremental backups which produce dozens of near identical hits. With 'find' I can specify (have to specify in fact) the root of the search which again is nearly always exactly what I want to do. In this case it's much more difficult to make 'locate' work the same way as 'find' because you'd have to rebuild the database (I did do that once but my changes got lost in an upgrade I think).
So, is there an alternative out there that works (by default preferably) like 'find' but uses a pre-built database like 'locate' so is reasonably fast?