On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 23:14, abower@thebowery.co.uk wrote:
On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 10:54:09PM +0100, Syd Hancock wrote:
On Wednesday 03 Sep 2003 3:00 pm, Steve Fosdick wrote:
I'd be interested to know why people are put off going to meetings that are far away from home.
Is it the cost, the time, the need to drive or some combination?
For myself, all of these factors combined: you have to be pretty keen to drive 100+ miles round trip.
Ok, I have a quick question. Am I an American because I don't see why 100+ miles is such a big deal to drive.... It doesn't really take up that much time, isn't that tiring or anything. Is it just people can't afford the petrol or think their cars won't cope? Or is this a general apathy to being bothered to go and it is an extra hurdle?
100 miles is well worth the effort for most ALUG meetings. For the knowlege and support ALUG has afforded me a short drive is of no concequence. I have to do a 60 mile round trip to do high st shopping so maybe I biased. Car shareing is good it gives an extra couple of hours chatting about my fav subject and is kind to the environment, win win situation as they say.
I suppose I would understand more if it was 100 miles every weekend as that would get a bit heavy on the petrol costs. Once a month (well less actually as at least every few meetings should be quite local) shouldn't be a problem?
Once a month is enough for me for weekend meetings but having an evening meet in between the Sunday meets would seem a good idea so how about evening meets every month spaced between the weekenders so a meeting once every fortnight? Just a thought.
Cheers, BJ