I have a daily backup that is run by a script in /etc/cron.daily, this is thus controlled by anacron so that it gets run once a day even if the system isn't turned on all the time.
I noticed that the backup gets run at about 07:30 and on checking how anacron is configured I notice that it only runs hourly from 07:00 through to 23:00.
On modern systems this is configured by systemd (systemctl edit --full anacron.timer), on non-systemd systems there are other mechanisms but it still has the same configuration with anacron only being run from 07:00 to 23:00.
Is there any reason that it's configured this way? In particular is there any downside to changing it to, say, 03:00 to 23:00? I can't really see any reason why one shouldn't schedule the anacron check *every* hour but maybe there is a reason for having an 8 hour gap.
I want my backups run earlier so that there's less chance of me using the system when the backup is running so I have changed the systemd setting from "OnCalendar=*-*-* 07..23:30" to "OnCalendar=*-*-* 03..20:30".
My systems are *mostly* turned on all the time but not absolutely always so anacron rather than cron is the best way to run the backups.