I've done that (5 passes not 10, mind, but it took nearly 5 hours) and no errors, curiously.
How do I proceed with the live disk? What would I be looking out for to report back on?
On 26/07/2021 21:15, Adam Bower wrote:
On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 06:58:00PM +0100, Bev Nicolson wrote:
I've got memtest86 on a usb stick now. How do I use it? What's a cycle for example, in this case?
I should have been more clear, you actually (most likely) want memtest86+ from https://www.memtest.org/ for how to use it's fairly straight forward but the easiest way would be to watch a video on youtube or similar which will explain it more visually than I will be able to do over an email.