Hiya. I've had Debian running on my laptop, but then the hard drive died. This was in the middle of a I've-got-to-do-this-by-yesterday panic (ain't that always the way!) The Debian CDs wouldn't boot and my old, 2.0 disks wouldn't play with the newer CDs, so I slapped Mandrake onto the new disk. I partitioned this: 256M Win95 256M Swap 1.5G Root ReiserFS ~18G LVM/ReiserFS Now the deadlines are passed and the projects done (in that order ;-) and Mandrake might be a pretty place to visit, but it just feels slow (P133, don't ask) so I'd like to get back to Debian. I got the Woody boot disks and tried. Hmm. The kernel uses an old, forward-incompatible, version of ReiserFS. OK, install on the Win95 partition and worry about Reiser/LVM later. Nope. Can't use my 2.2 CDs. OK go over the modem. I've got a Xircom RealPort Ethernet/Modem combo, very nice, but Debian insists on using eth0 in preference to ppp0. All that's on eth0 atm is the printer... So, I'll have to build custom boot disks with my own kernel, and burn Woody CDs. Downloading and compiling at work at the mo, but is there a *better* way???
Thanks, Bill