On Sat, 24 Mar 2012 20:57:31 +0000 Paul Grenyer paul.grenyer@gmail.com allegedly wrote:
Hi all
I want to create an email server so that I can send and receive email for a number of my domains. I've tried using postfix, but it's a pig to setup and it appears I need to have a user account on the server for every email address and I can't restrict one user to only one domain. e.g. if I create a user called paul and I have two domains, I get paul@domain1 and paul@domain2. Of course this could be my misunderstanding.
So, I would like recommendations for a mailserver to run on ubuntu. Ideally I'd like it to be:
- Easy to setup
- Not require a user to be created for each email address.
- Be able to create email addresses for individual domains
- Web interface
- Work with mailman
- Support pop/imap
- Support email forwarding.
Any suggestions?
Hi Paul
Yep - postfix.
I find that it is realtively easy to setup. In fact, out of the box it meets most requirements without much twiddling.
To answer your points:
You don't need a system user for each email address. Use virtual mail addressing and set the users in a mysql database. I use the wonderful "postfixadmin" application to handle all my domains amd virtual mail users. postfixadmin uses a web interface.
if you want a web interface to your email, then look at squirrelmail - but really pop or imap would be better.
postfix works well with mailman and when coupled with dovecot, it handles pops and imap with ease.
I actually have some "howtos" on my blog which may help (see for example http://baldric.net/mailman-with-postfix/ but note that I wrote that before I started using postfixadmin and mysql so the virtual maps info is out of date.) I also wrote about postfixadmin at http://baldric.net/2010/01/23/life-is-too-short-to-use-horde/
if you have specific questions in your configuration, or you want some config tips for your main.cf or dovecot config files, let me know.
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