On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 03:29:43PM +0100, Adam Bower wrote:
On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 03:16:50PM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
Well I hate to say it but the easiest option was to load the pictures into Visio in Windows and print from there. Simply worked 'out of the box' with no hassle. Much in the same way that printing from Firefox on Linux works, that seems to manage the handling of getting things the right size by default so why can't other applications do so well?
Have you tried the ideas that Dan and I had for gimp yet? and what happened when you tried them?
Not yet, but I may well have a play tonight when I get home.
Your comment about Visio is quite funny, last time I had to get print something from Windows I had to give up after a couple of hours trying and attach the printer (Epson Sylus photo somethingorother) to a Linux box and use cups with ipp (internet printer protocol) to get it working.
Just another symptom of the same problem I think, just in reverse.
I still maintain that printing is the most evil thing *ever* I recently got some digiphotos printed by one of those online photo printing services [1], the prints came on *real* photographic paper with a quality far in excess of what any colour inkjet can offer, and the price was either the same or slightly more than just buying the photo paper for an inkjet printer, let alone the cost of buying ink and servicing the printer :)
Yes, quite a few people on the comp.periphs.printers are pointing this out nowadays. If all you want is fairly straightforward prints from photographs then it is significantly cheaper to have it done commercially than to do it yourself.
However all I wanted was a print of a map to take on holiday, printed on ordinary A4 paper so I can scribble on it etc.