On 05/12/13 12:57, Bev Nicolson wrote:
<snip> << * If someone posts on ALUG, generally try to reply on list, unless it's personal or confidential. Otherwise someone searching for the solution to a problem may find someone on ALUG with the same problem, but be unable to find the solution because it was posted off list.
Perhaps it would be worth re-posting the "rules" and/or etiquette on a regular basis? Are people still happy with these rules/etiquette? (I am). Steve >>
Although there are exception when, for example, people need to send .bin files to fix things like scanners... Then anything other than off list would be rude.
Could I add snipping text if you can when replying to long posts or a series of posts? Please? Thank you.
Otherwise they sound entirely reasonable, Steve.
Bev. (Who will try not to top post in future.)
And some sort of indent on quoted text would speed-up reading posts.