On Fri, 03 Mar 2000, Stu wrote:
hiya, and thanks for helping out I really appreciate it. I have tried millions of combinations now for all the kppp settings in kde and still the same error is coming up:-
"The pppd daemon died unexpectedly"
The debug file reports the folowing:-
"localhost pppd[625] The remote system is required to authenticate itself but localhost pppd [625] counldnt find any secret (password) which would let it use an IP address."
Sounds like an authentication problem to me... maybe you're using the wrong userid/password combination? Capitalization? Maybe you're using PAP instead of CHAP, or vice-versa. It might be a good idea to try connecting to another account you have the username and password for - both on the same ISP and another ISP, if possible. That way you can isolate the problem.
I've had trouble connecting to NT servers in the past; I had to recompile pppd for MS-CHAP authentication (all the instructions are with the source code). I don't think this is the error message that I got though.
I have tried a manual login script as well and the same error occurs. I
This would remain consistent with an authentication problem. If you're manually editing stuff, edit /etc/ppp/chap-secrets and/or /etc/ppp/pap-secrets.
Check out ISP-Hookup-HOWTO and PPP-HOWTO for more info.
Good Luck!
Darrell (A former East-Anglian living in Canada!)