On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 11:52:50AM -0000, Mark Rogers wrote:
Chris writes:
The front ends for mysql must have something similar so that when you are, for example, scrolling down a list of records there is something which tells you which record you're at.
Yes: the primary key, if there is one. If you try stuff like this with phpMyAdmin it does its best to work out a unique field (or I think it can cope with a set of unique fields), but if it can't uniquely identify the record then I'm pretty sure stuff like record edit/delete icons will vanish from the view.
There is no concept of "the Nth record" in mySQL, or at least if there is it's a recent addition - I've not really played with 4.x past its inherited 3.x capabilities.
Looking at the Rekall appendices (I think it's there) it tells you how Rekall manages this with various database backends. Postgresql has a rowId type thing (not called that) rather like Oracle whereas mysql doesn't. Thus with mysql a unique column of some sort is required whereas it's 'built in' as it were with postgresql.