On 25/07/13 14:17, Chris Walker wrote:
On Wed, 24 Jul 2013 18:54:31 +0100 nev young nev@nevilley.org.uk wrote:
On 24/07/13 09:38, Chris Walker wrote:
On Wed, 24 Jul 2013 08:46:53 +0100 nev young nev@nevilley.org.uk wrote:
btw. beep is stubbornly silent. as is
void sound(unsigned frequency);
The speaker isn't turned off in the BIOS is it?
No it isn't but I'm not trying to use the PC speaker. I am trying to use the speakers in the monitor by sending sound down the HDMI lead.
As I have stated I can get sound out of the inbuilt sound chip on the motherboard and, for now, that'll do.
As I have not need yet for HDMI sound, I've never investigated it but a quick google for 'hdmi sound not working linux' produces this :- ========== you have to edit your grub config. open /etc/default/grub with your preferred text editor and look for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and add radeon.audio=1 to the end of it.
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.audio=1"
now save the file and run update-grub
Would this happen to be on a Pi as I might well run into the same problem later and it would be useful to know if it is?
no no nooooooooooo you misunderstand my ramblings.
The sound works fine.
I listen to music and watch videos etc etc.
It is just *my program* that is being stubbornly quiet.
It's not a PI. It's a home built thing with a 6core AMD Phenom running at 3.3GHz. 16G mem and about 5.5Tb of disk. There are two sound cards (chips) in the machine. One on the motherboard and one on the video card (which connects to the monitor via HDMI cable). They both work very well.
Maybe if I said what the project is. (it is silly and trivial and that's why I was getting frustrated).
I've recently joined the ranks of ham radio enthusiasts but really need to improve my morse (listening). Plan is capture all keystrokes while I'm using the PC, filter out the crap and sound the morse for each key as it's pressed. So I could be writing a program, a document, an email, a facebook status etc. etc. and every time I press a key I will hear the morse sound out so I (hopefully) will learn and improve.
So far: capture keystrokes - done filter out the crap - done convert to morse - done make it go dah di di dit dit dit di dah dah dit - not there yet.
I really though it would be the simplest bit to do !