Hi all: I'm starting to look at various permission options. 1./ In order to be able to shut down as user other than root, I created a file /etc/shutdown.allow as per man shutdown help file. I then entered the users jenny and root. su back to jenny and try "shutdown -a now" but still get the message "shutdown: command not found". 2./ I want to make my linux backup files more foolproof by backing up onto a spare directory on windows box using smbmount. But if I write a small script to do this, I'm going to have to include my password in the script. The best I can find written about doing this anywhere just says that if you have to include a password in a text file, make sure there are no read permissions for users. But would you say it is dodgy to write stuff with passwords at all? How else would you get round this? Thanks! Jen