I've moved my sights (not sites!) slightly and have decided I want a simple CMS system rather than just an HTML editor.
However there seems little choice at the 'lite' end of such things, they all want to be all singing, all dancing, have everything you could possibly want on your web site programs.
I've toyed with CMSMadeSimple which is OK but not all *that* inspiring, I'm wondering whether to go with one of the more popular 'not so lite' ones, e.g.:- Joomla Drupal MySource Classic WebGUI TikiWiki
Does anyone here have any experience of any of these and/or are there any good comparison/review sites? (I've found http://www.opensourcecms.com/ which is useful).
One of the problems is the huge number of CMSs available, in many fields there are just two or three front runners but for this there are dozens and you can't really try them all.