On Wed, May 25, 2005 at 09:29:09PM +0100, Wayne Stallwood wrote:
Don't get me wrong...I love the Mac Mini, in fact I am going to buy one as soon as I can afford it. But for a server type application I think the MiniITX route may perform better.
Hmmn, interesting tradeoff, the mini-itx kit will have a slower cpu compared to the Mac but will allow you cheaper upgrades to the disk etc. and has a working pci slot (2 slots if you get the right case with a riser card)+ an extra ethernet port (again motherboard dependant) Of course you could just get an external firewire drive caddy for the Mac-mini with a stupidly fast disk in it which would improve things drastically (probably, seeing how I have never seen or used a Mac-mini, it would be an interesting comparison though).