On 08 May 18:07, Chris Green wrote:
I'm looking for a way to (simply) play BBC Radio 4 and other BBC stations on my desktop machine. I used to use radiotray but updating to xubuntu 14.04 seems to have broken that completely (it was always a *bit* flakey).
I don't want a full blown music player really, though one that's easy to configure to play BBC would be OK.
I *definitely* don't want a list of thousands of stations to select from which rarely includes BBC anyway, I just want to be able to enter a BBC radio URL and hear the radio.
OK - so here's what I'd do, I'd have a small script similar to the below...
--- SCRIPT --- #!/bin/sh
streamurl=$(wget -O - http://bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r4.asx | sed -e'/<ref href/ { s#^[^"]*"##; s#".*$##; p; } ; d;' | head -n 1)
exec mplayer "$streamurl" --- END ---
And run that. This does rely on mplayer, but that shouldn't be too much of a hassle!