On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 05:11:23PM +0000, cl@isbd.net wrote: <snippity stuff="ror-template-example" />
Looked more or less like any other template I've seen, that's not where the code should go, that's where the layout goes.
I think the fundamental problem is that HTML is a mess, until such time as that can be hidden somehow then I think we're stuck with rubbish like the above.
If you get *really* bored, you could go the way of making things generate XML and then just convert the XML with XSLT to get the HTML, it'll still look ugly though.
I was hoping that Ruby on Rails helped hide some of the above junk but apparently not.
It's not going to magically get rid of the need to know basic html - that's the job of a CMS, not a webapp development platform. If you want that style thing, take a look at Zope or Plone (which runs atop of Zope), they may make more sense to you. (Or, hell, HippoCMS: http://www.hippocms.org...).