Syd Hancock wrote:
Also willing to burn copies of Woody for the cost of CDs and postage if anyone is interested. I have all 7 CDs if you want the lot.
Syd - may I take you upon this offer? I'll mail you off-list but thought I'd share my story of how to waste a large amount of time first:
On Friday night I tried to get my winmodem going. In order to do this I had to install a bit of software from the linmodem site. In order to do that I had to upgrade my kernel from 2.2.ancientthing to 2.4.x. In order to do *that* I had to update and upgrade all my packages and dist from potato.ancient.stuff (I only have one phone line with a dialup modem connection so don't tend to do this very often)(and as the modem has been out of order for several weeks even less so). I couldn't point sourceslist to the internet obviously, so I used the main woody install disk someone had burnt for me. Guess what, the cdrom wasn't functioning. So I set up a samba share to the windows cdrom and tried that, which didn't work as samba asking for a password coincided each time with apt-get asking to insert cdrom and press enter, so it kept going in a loop. So I copied the entire 650m cdrom contents to the linux box and pointed apt at that, whooping with joy when I got the source-list right, but it kept erroring out halfway through. So on Saturday I put in a cdrom drive that worked, pointed sources list back to the cdrom, and then found out the burnt cdrom was faulty and the second half wouldn't read.
Of course, I could have saved hours of time and had an internet connection simply by putting the winmodem in the windows machine, but that would have been *far* too easy.
Anyhow, thanks to all for the USB and kernel answers, I'm now about to upgrade the laptop as that seems the best option.