On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 12:19:17PM +0100, steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk wrote:
So either
- Each router doles out IP addresses based on Mac addresses. Each
router has a range of IP addresses that doesn't overlap with other locations. One hosts file on your laptop that lists all the IP addresses and friendly names for them. Zero cost. A bit tedious to set up, but shouldn't take too long or be too hard to maintain.
Yes, tedious, I was looking/hoping for something simpler.
- Run DNSMasq everywhere. Quite easy to set up, with possibly the
cost of one processing device to run it on. Simple to maintain.
See if Avahi/Zero Config will do it for you
do 1) but without the hosts file. Maintain a manual list of IP
addresses and refer to it.
- Do nothing and put up with not knowing which IP address each
device has, except by trail and error.
- Run something like nmap or nbtscan or other tool listed here
http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/saucy/man1/nbtscan.1.html to work out which IP address is which.
This last is what I do at present really, a combination of nmap and arp-scan.