Ted Harding Ted.Harding@nessie.mcc.ac.uk wrote:
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to get a ".wav" file (which I also have in a version ".cdr" converted by sox) onto a CD so that the CD can be played on a CD player.
With 'xcdroast' I can get the file onto CD as a "data CD", but this doesn;t work for playing on a CD player.
Correct, it won't ;) I must admit that I have not use XCDRoast much, but when I did use it, it's interface felt klunky, if you want to use a graphical tool, I can suggest k3b, but I must also admit to not using that too much (I'm a command line kinda guy ;)
Right - now this is where I go to the ol' command line mode as usual, assuming that the wav file is in the right form for throwing on to the CD, which I assume it will be if it's a straight conversion from a .cdr, what you want to do is...
cdrecord -v dev=/path/to/cd/writer -audio trackname.wav
from a shell, as a user that can play nicely with the cdwriter.