On Wed, 17 May 2017 14:35:49 +0100 Brett Parker iDunno@sommitrealweird.co.uk allegedly wrote:
This is an annual headache and I'm fed up with a different manual solution every year.
The pages happen to be 1/3rd A4 size, so, something like:
pdfjam Royal-Mail-Our-Prices-March-2017_0.pdf --a4paper --landscape --nup 3x1 --outfile ~/test.pdf
Should do what you're after.
That's cool! I'd never heard of pdfjam before - and it appears to come with a lot of other related useful utilities in a package called "texlive-extra-utils".
Thanks for the tip.
Mick --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mick Morgan gpg fingerprint: FC23 3338 F664 5E66 876B 72C0 0A1F E60B 5BAD D312 http://baldric.net