(Sorry couldn't find a better subject for this mail.)
I'm french, 22, studying computer science in an engineering school in France. I might have to move to Norwich in a not too far future (ok, I'm not a real geek since I have a girlfriend in Norwich and we haven't even met on the internet).
My problem is I can't really imagine life without a GNU/Linux box close to me, so I was wondering what the status of GNU/Linux is in East Anglia. So, some questions :
Is it possible to find linux-related jobs in east anglia, or is it a london-specific thing ? :)
Is linux used in the CS department of UEA, or are there windows boxes everywhere ? what are the other universities in anglia with CS departments providing courses in networking and operating systems ?
Are there companies in Anglia who work specifically with Free Software, providing services or developing software for other companies ?
Thank a lot for having read me until the end !