On Sat, 30 Jul 2016 09:24:25 +0100 nev young crw_1622@hotmail.com wrote:
On 30/07/16 09:02, Bev Nicolson wrote:
This might be a bit off topic but I can’t think who else to ask. (If you can, let me know.) The problem is that my MP3 player (a Philips GoGear with 4GB memory if that makes any odds) has two mp3's files on it with the wrong name. Fine, rename them, you cry. But there's the rub. They show with the right name if I mount it. What can I do? It isn't full, by the way.
You most likely need to edit the MP3 tags.
I have found that many MP3 players use the tag info rather than the file name.
Bev, does your player also display album art?
Using Kid3, I simply drag a piccy to the appropriate place and it adds it to the file. It does increase file size too of course which might be a problem if the player has limited space.
When I download iplayer files, I use a script to add the downloaded thumbnail to the file using something like this :- eyeD3 --add-image $imagefile:FRONT_COVER:Picture "$FILE"