"Edenyard" mail@edenyard.co.uk wrote:
Please can anyone explain the magic invocation that's needed to tell Linux to ignore a serial port? I want my Slack installation (kernel 2.4.22) to ignore /dev/ttyS0 and pretend that it doesn't exist. I'm sure that I've seen it written down somewhere - but that might have been to do with ignoring parallel ports? I've tried 'setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none', which the man page suggests might do the trick, but it doesn't. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Do you have a getty process running on ttys0? If so, it's defined in /etc/inittab. My distribution (SuSE8.x) has the following line:
#S0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 9600 ttys0 vt102
which as you see is commented out. The port is free for whatever use is required of it.
-- GT