The message from Anthony Anson contains these words:
Knoppix begins well enough, just as usual. It gets to 'Starting X11.....' and the screen goes dark and the pretty text winks on, then it goes dark again, then it winks again, and again, but only to four or five places - not recurring...
We finish with:
Retrying with Server Xfree86(vesa) . Retrying with Server Xfree86(fbdev) Error: No suitable X-Server found on your card.
And the CD drive was dead so I had to power off, switch on again, remove CD and shut down again.
Removed HD0 and HD1
Exactly the same symptoms.
I might have to resort to disembowelling the box and replacing things one at a time.
Oh, if I put Win98SE in the caddy (as HD0) it boots OK, but the HD1 light continually winks.
(Now if *THAT* doesn't get people going, *NOTHING* will...)