On Sat, 26 Apr 2014 01:21:55 +0100 steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk wrote:
a) Glad you got it sorted and if I managed to help b) could you post the final version here if it's not here already? That way you'll be able to find it again, but also, if anyone googles for a similar problem, and finds this thread, they'll find the exact solution.
Sure. Here it is
for t in $(seq -f '%02.0f' 1 15); do f=`ls ${t}*.ogg`; if [ -f "$f" ]; then t=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/.ogg/.mp3/'); twolame -b 320 "$f" "$t"; fi; done
For any future seekers of information, all that has to be tweeked is the '1 15' bit to reflect the numbers of tracks you need to manipulate. It's also possible of course to substitute wav for ogg and so on.