|You have two routes to go from there that I can see. One, which will |probably get you polished documents with less hacking for now is |LaTeX. The other is some sort of XML markup and formatting tools, but |they're Not All There Yet.
(anonymous coward ALUG reader getting to grips)
I've running a loopback host configuration of Cocoon (apache.org/XML) for testing purposes, we're about to try installing it on UEA Music servers, to dispatch Humanities XML Group content. So far, it seems to do exactly what it says on the can. Fiddly bits: the Java Servlets (running Tomcat for now) and getting around XSL. It seems to me, though, that for a no-programming (other than bits of XML) solution, it's really well put together...
Could use some advice on what other (maybe more elegant, even less conf needed) solutions to text/XHTML/XML content delivery there might be around...
cheers, d
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- david casal +44 (0) 1603-613607 |
d.casal@uea.ac.uk http://www.ariada.uea.ac.uk/~dcasal | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------\