I still use separate accounts for testing desktop apps - they sometimes like to interact with apps or mung data. To keep in touch with my own apps I use su -l runlevelten then run kmail &, amarok &, kopete & and so on and pop
Ow! Hairy!
Haha, possibly - it's not that bad though - and I bet you could turn the idea into an icon/launcher of some sort on OS X.
As for your issue, do you not have more than one browser app installed? I find using a different browser for each account useful in such situations, although that may be less convenient if you don't have second/third browsers installed.
On Wednesday 20 June 2007 12:45, Ruth Bygrave wrote:
Ha ha ha! Douglas Adams (author, famous Mac user) used to complain about that too. Can you hear those deadlines WHOOSH past?
yep! 'I love deadlines' the same way he did. (Incidentally, I know there are intelligent Mac users: Stephen Fry is one (bet he'll be one of the first users to get a new box with Leopard -- he said on, Douglas Adams was one, the people doing the O'Reilly Mac-dev stuff are Ferociously Intelligent