This is (probably) only of interest to anyone who uses procmail to sort their incoming mail into different mailboxes.
Many of the mailing lists I subscribe to (including alug) insert the mailing list's name into the subject line. I got fed up with this as it wastes useful space that would be better used to show me the subject. I very often (used to) lose the end of the subject off the RHS of my screen. I already know what list the mail is from because procmail has put it pinto the appropriate list mailbox.
So I played around with my .procmailrc file, read the manual pages a few times and came up with the following recipe which removes the list name from the subject (as well as storing the mail in the appropriate mailbox, as before) :-
:0 fh * ^TOalug | sed 's/[ALUG]//' :0 A: alug