On Wednesday 20 August 2003 9:01 pm, abower@thebowery.co.uk wrote:
On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 09:57:34PM +0000, BenEBoy wrote:
I'm very impressed so far. The speed reduction is taking a while to get used to, especially booting but I expect thats partially due to all the unecessary services it starts. Time to start stripping stuff out of /etc/rc.d/* I think. Apt is a godsend, although I'm missing the slightly hypnotic gcc messages scrolling up the teminal when I install something.
Do it the proper way instead of using rm if you have to. Anyhow on the speed issue http://articles.linmagau.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&fi... x&req=viewarticle&artid=227&page=1
There's a proper way? I must pull out 'running linux' and read up on that <g>
Regarding speed, my old LFS system used to go from power on (OK, from lilo prompt) to GUI in about 20-25 seconds (rough guesstimate & not including logging on or typing 'startx'). Yes, morphix is completely different with KDM & KDE loading as opposed to fluxbox, not to mention the depency checking I think debian does at startup. Once logged in, everything runs at *about* the same speed from what I can tell. I've just installed firebird so the major slowdown I've been having with konqueror is gone now (It was taking about a minute to load in the front page of the register as opposed to ohhhh seconds with firebird).