Using up-to-date Mint, and happily using Fire FTP.
Suddenly, half the page vanishes, leaving me with just the local side and a 'send' arrow.
I can navigate through the local directories.
Can't restore Fire FTP it to its proper configuration (AFAICS), so have been using Filezilla, mainly successfully - but - from time to time it connects, but the remote site spits my shaking-hand out.
Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Connecting to ###.###.###.#:21... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 438 Access denied. Please contact your support. Error: Could not connect to server
(The :21... is kindly supplied by remote server, and should show there. It's a Linux server BTW.)
Contacted Support and in the morning received two e-mails, just after I'd successfully ftpeed the file I tried to put up the evening before.
No change in user, password or remote address data.
Support has no idea why it wouldn't work the previous evening. *Could* the server be too busy, and <rhetoric> if so, couldn't it say so </rhetoric>?
Any idea what 438 is? (I don't want to use a search injun using this dongle on GPRS unless I really have to...)