Those at the last meeting at Syleham will remember that I had problems installing Debian 'Woody' amongst which was the fact that some of my hardware is too modern for the version of 'X'.
Today I received Debian 'Sarge' the installer seems to have changed considerably and the whole process is much simpler, however I have arrived at the graphical log-in and then having given my user name and password both KDE and Gnome go as far as, in the case of KDE the second Icon 28% and then stall. Gnome tells me that as it cannot find Debian org it can go no further and stalls. It seems that this has something to do with the hostname and the connection to the outside world.
CntlF1 or CntlF2 do not get me into root, this must be something I am getting wrong on the install/configuration, any suggestions please?