On Mon, 6 Sep 2010 19:29:27 +0100 Ian Porter ianporter1976@gmail.com allegedly wrote:
I have used 1and1 for along while now and really have found no problems with them at all, also find there support is really good as well.
And I used them for years too. Their email package is OK. But they do have a habit of "upgrading" their offering and leaving existing customers languishing on older packages. They also gave (and are giving) me grief on domain management.
For example. I wanted to add a new subdomain to one of my domains (I have nine with them at the moment and one with bytemark - guess where the rest are going) and discovered that I couldn't. 1and1 advertise 5 subdomains as being available (in itself a crappy limit) per domain. In fact, this limit applies per "package" and I happened to have registered all my domains to one package. In aggregate I had already used 5 subdomains. I complained and was told that the only way they could give my the 5 subdomains was by my transferring each domain to its own individual package. This meant that I had to go through their domain transfer process on-line but simply say "existing 1and1 customer" at the "transfer from" section. Bizarre, but this shouild simply be an accounting change.
I did as advised.
Guess what. I have received bills for new domain regsitrations for each of my nine .net domains (@ £8.99 pa) from the date of this change. Those domains (already with 1and1 remember) do not expire until next January. I have complained and am still waiting for even the courtesy of a reply.
At best this is simply poor administration, but it looks like very sharp practice to me.
If you choose to go to 1and1, do not register a domain you care about with them. (Last year I "lost" one domain for eleven days as I transferred it from 1and1 to bytemark).
The text file for RFC 854 contains exactly 854 lines. Do you think there is any cosmic significance in this?
Douglas E Comer - Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume 1
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc854.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------