On 2003.07.06 00:18, Adam Bower wrote:
I more or less agree with what you said, but complaining to a local newspaper does lots of good. It gives a few people some ammunition that they need to start making the first few changes in the first few places. It may only have an effect on perhaps 1 person, but that is how we need to grow things.
As James said, some issues surrounding software are beyond the understanding of most people, and also of no interest to them.
That doesn't mean this is a lost cause though. Most people understand very well the concept of spending a large amount of money on something when an equivalent is available for free, and also understand very well that the education system doesn't have money to burn.
What we must do is to convince people that this is the situation rather than it being one of paying more for a better product. To do this, stories of other similar organisations that have successfully switched to a free OS and/or a free desktop suite will be easier to understand that any technical argument.