I can't believe anyone is seriously considering changing what ALUG stands for. "A rose by any other name" etc etc... changing the name would be confusing for people who are currently only vaguely aware of us (and who might be future members), and pointless, also trying to influence what people talk about is not a good idea. If the members want to talk about kernels and distributions, and do installs at meetings, then that's what should happen. And if there is some sort of user applications interest, then that will happen too. Personally I wouldn't mind finding out more about gnucash and I intended to ask some questions at Syleham but I didn't manage to attend that meeting.
Anyway my point is that ALUG is for the members by the members and since nobody is really in charge, the only thing to do is go with the flow (unless the members want to institute a sort of committee who would consider things like name changes). My vote, if ALUG has any sort of democracy, is to leave everything as it is, well alone. I want to say this as I am starting to get the feeling that if those of us who are quietly disbelieving this thread don't speak up, they may end up being members of "ALUG's a Lively User Group" or something equally silly (no offense intended, but *ewwww*).